Boost enrolment rates with personal videos

Bonjoro lets you send personalized videos to prospective students to build an authentic, human connection and increase enrolment rates.

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"Bonjoro generated £2.5m revenue for the University. No other conversion tool has spun straw into gold the same way."

Peter Simpson-Leek, Digital Marketing Manager, University of Bedfordshire

Trusted by 100+ higher education institutions
Used daily by over 1,800 of DTC brands

The easiest way to enhance your student recruitment funnel

Sync your student data

Upload student data to create video tasks for academics, staff and ambassadors to connect with prospective students.

Engage applicants with personal videos

Create video templates to help staff send quick videos to applicants without needing to type a thing.

Increase student enrolment rates

Increase conversion rates across the board, from open day attendance to higher acceptance and enrolment rates.

Scale your team's efforts

Scale great results across your institution with separate workspaces and access rights for different teams and faculties
Bonjoro is an invaluable resource for our team and the perfect tool to communicate with prospective students in an authentic and personalized way. It has helped create a culture of connection across our campus and helped move the needle on our yield rates.
Megan Gibson, Admissions Communications Specialist, Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis

Ready to chat?

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